“7 days to write a person that I admire the most”
Richard Branson
Sir Richard Branson, chairman of Virgin group. He was born in London, 1950. Started business at age 16 with student magazine. Soon after, he created Virgin record that actually he intended for selling music tape and for a place to hangout and play music together. Nowadays Virgin has 400 branches around the worlds and this company not only selling album and records, but also involve in transportation business, drink, hand phone, books and other creative things.
Richard has one passion, he call it “creativity”. He’s mind always thinking about creating, creating, creating and how to make it better about any aspects in this world. From technology, media, people’s life, nature, until global warming.
Last time when he visited Indonesia he used batik (picture above –red) as his dress. He told us that batik is a unique and really show the kind personality of Indonesians people. He even make a joke to the audience about why Indonesians people didn’t bring this clothes to the west, instead of using western style such as black tie with jacket.
Ricard Branson is a down to earth person even though now he is the 5th richest person in UK (2011). He didn’t go to the college, but he got an honorary degree of Doctor of Technology from Loughborough University, He created colleges in Africa together with Nelson Mandela. He got predicate “Sir” from the Queen as an honor for his services to entrepreneurship in UK and around the world.
Many of his idea and inspiration was written on his book. I have two books. One of the titles always become a note for me and also could be for you who read my blog. The title of the book is “Screw It, Just Do It”
Note: If you want to add values in your life, whether it is adding goods habit or subtracts bad habit. Stop complaining, stop your BEJ (blaming, excuse and justify). Let’s say together out loud “Screw it, just do it!”
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