Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Day 21 : Wait the sound of seat belt alarm, and then you start to wear it

Day 21: “7 days to write about good things everyday”

The 7th awesome things: Wait the sound of seat belt alarm, and then you start to wear it

It’s not about safety for sure. But it’s about something that you can enjoy for a moment in the car. I turn on the car. Let the engine heating up for a while. Start to drive for a couple of seconds, then it comes the sound of seat belt alarm, “beep.. beep.. beep”. That’s the sign when I should start to wear my seat belt on.

It was fun, it seems that our car try communicating with its ownerJ.

Have you ever seen knight rider?, it was an old school television series. David Hasselhoff was the main character with the help of his car names KITT. You will see that car can also become your friend, your knight and your protector.

I will not suggest this awesome activity in the crowded area, I will say, just do it when you feel want to do it.

When no other cars surround me, I use to unlock my seat belt also if I drive in parking area. I will just play with the beep beep alarm. It sound silly, but this little silly stuff, can make me happyJ

Note: Today is the last day of 3rd week challenge, hopefully you enjoy my writing. If not?, up to you guys.., my job is only to write, write and write. I will let you and those editor of magazine to make a comment, wuhuuu....

Have a fabulous Wednesday allJ


danze said...

keren jg klo mobilnya seperti bumble bee dari transformer >.<

Ananto Veryadesa said...

wuuu dikasih KITT mau nya transformer wooo, hihihihi