Friday, December 30, 2011

Day 30 : Make every second count

Day 30: “If you only have 9 days to live, what will you do each day? Write it”

Today is my last day. I will make every second count

I will pray for 24 hours, keep my eyes awake, and before I die I want to say kalimat syahadat

Thanks for #G30HM to remembering me that someday I will die. I’m gratitude is not happen today, I still have so many sin, and I need to do a lot of good things to pay back all my mistake. Maassalam.. :)

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Day 29: Write a Will

Day 29: “If you only have 9 days to live, what will you do each day? Write it”

2 days left, I will “write a will”

Simple things to do before you vanish from the world but you often forget is “write a will”. You will never know when you will die, so I’m encouraging you to do it as soon as possible.

If I only have 2 days to live, for today I will write down my will. Probably I will get a lawyer or government administration to make my will letter registered under the law and regulation in my country. These words below probably will be one of the sentence

“Dear mom and dad, I only have 2 days to live now, I wish I could live longer to take care both of you.

~...I have some money in the bank. I will give it all to you by the time my life will be end. Use it to take care of yourselves, paid the maid, paid for healthy food and for sure, use it for your own happiness :).. ~”.

Note: A will is the best thing one must do before death strikes

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Day 28: “Gift” to family

Day 28: “If you only have 9 days to live, what will you do each day? Write it”

3 days to live, “Gift” to my family

I just received my salary yesterday. It’s feels great after you working so hard in one month and then your company pay you back in certain amount of money.

When you live alone and all you want is make yourself happy, your entire mind and feeling was stuck only for yourself, you’re too easy to get emotional, bored, and angry and always hoping the entire world will help you. Monthly salary for this lonely person will affect them only at first week of every month, because they will use it for themselves only.

But, if you live for you and your family, believe me, you will be focus with what you do for living and how you manage your life. You have the basic “why” needs that burnt your mind and body to achieve fundamental meaning and happiness in life.

Even though my parents can generate their own cash flow, it doesn’t mean I can lose my responsibility as their son. I’ve been in the position where I just take my monthly salary for granted. I only used for myself and share low percentage to my family.

You know what I feel? Happy is a matter of days only, I spend most of my money for “fun” stuff. I still remember the laugh and smile for a moment and realize that I spend my money without meaning. I know I could do better than that, but I just keep the same life style for another year.

Then, next time, I tried to do different things. I keep low percentage of my salary for myself, and use high percentage of it to my family. First, I gave my monthly salary to my mom. At first she said “what for?”, because is not her birthday, and there is no event at that time. Then I just say, “is a gift for you, mom”. I didn’t say anything about what is the purpose, all I did just give it to my mom as a gift. Then I also start to give it to my father, sister, brother and grandmother. Do you want to know what I feel next?, happy is not for a moment anymore this time, it is everlastingJ. I will always remember the looks of how my mother smile, I still remember the cheer of happiness in my sister face when I gave her first bank account, and expression of my father face, when I gave him money, and he just confuse with the purpose. Since that I realize happiness is meaningful if I involve family in the same part of happiness.

This last month salary I dedicated to my beloved sister who will be in college soon. Enjoy, hoho…

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Day 27 : High intensity interval training

Day 27: “If you only have 9 days to live, what will you do each day? Write it”

4 days to live, high intensity interval training

HIIT stand for High Intensity Interval Training. It’s a fitness training program; you can do HIIT for running, swimming, jumping or even for your daily activity. How you will do it? You just need to set work and rest in interval-of-time-combination during your exercise.

Now my weight is 78 kg, the highest record of my life, hohoho. I don’t know how much percentage of my body fat. But for sure I’m living in unhealthy condition. Since I’m working in here, my life was turn into some kind of coach potatoes; watch TV, sit and typing in front of laptop for couple of hours without any willingness to move my body.

Inspire by #G30HM challenge, I just wonder what if my life is really short. I still have dreams, resolution and all of those stuffs that I didn’t achieve this 2011. So, I’m start to think about it again and I found my dream of getting-my-body-on-shape-again still in my waiting list to-be-done.

I will be doing a HIIT exercise in the next 4 days to live, and with the target of minimum 4 week continuity, especially for cardio exercise. Here is my HIIT training

Phase 1 (1:4): Weeks 1



15 seconds

Run with High-Intensity Exercise

60 seconds

Rest or Low-Intensity Exercise

(Repeat another 10 times, followed by a final 15-second high-intensity blast. Total time: 14 minutes)

Phase 2 (1:2): Weeks 2



30 seconds

Run with High-Intensity Exercise

60 seconds

Rest or Low-Intensity Exercise

(Repeat another 10 times, followed by a final 30-second high-intensity blast. Total time: 17 minutes)

Phase 3 (1:1): Weeks 3



30 seconds

Run with High-Intensity Exercise

30 seconds

Rest or Low-Intensity Exercise

(Repeat another 11 times, followed by a final 30-second high-intensity blast. Total time: 18.5 minutes)

Phase 4 (2:1): Week 4



30 seconds

Run with High-Intensity Exercise

15 seconds

Rest or Low-Intensity Exercise

(Repeat another 25 times, followed by a final 30-second high-intensity blast. Total time: 20 minutes)

I want to reduce my fat and get ripped, yeah!!. Running in treadmill is a must for my every day. Start today. Hopefully this will get me back on track of my fitness life

Doakan yaa.. wuhuuu…

Monday, December 26, 2011

Day 26 : Work on time

Day 26: “If you only have 9 days to live, what will you do? Write it”

Work on time

Wuhuu..., it’s 5 days to live now. Since the first day of 4th week challenge, I get used to with "wake up early", make me possible to go to the office early. My working time start at 8:00 a.m., but I’m already in the office since 07:30 a.m. I don’t want to be on timer person, I could do better than that. I will go further; I want to be remembered as a extraordinary punctual personJ. Even though I’m 30 minutes earlier, it’s a sign that I will give all my time to the company that I work for now.

It sound idealistic about “working for company”, but you only have 5 days to live now, right? *i hope is not real, because i also want to live longer:)* . You can just leave your office without notice, but me?, I will say “big no way”.

Ok then, let’s pack our back, and start to work, hohoo…

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Day 25 : wake up early every day

Day 25: “If you only have 9 days to live, what will you do each day? Write it”

Tick tock tick tock… 6 days to live now, I will wake up early every day

Seems simple, but it’s hard to do, especially if you sleep late before it. If I only have 9 days left, of course I want to taste every bite of my life. One of the sweet stuff was wake up early in the morning. I want to enjoy the smell of morning fresh air, black grayed cloud visual of the sky, combine with the cold temperature outside.

My alarm clock wasn’t active lately. I have natural clock inside my body; tell me when I should wake up. 5 o’clock is the latest time of my eyes to be open, and then I will start searching for the light to be turn on.

In the last of 3 days, I’ve been trying to this stuff, adding all good lists to do within these 9 days. Since 3 days ago I also add new habit everyday which is workout at the gym at night. My entire body utilized to the max; my mind was full of action plan.

Let see what next tomorrow, cihuyy…

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Day 24 : Eat fruit every day

Day 24: “if you only have 9 days to live, what will you do each day? Write it”

Now getting down in 7 days to live only, what I will do? I will eat fruit every day, hoho..

Of course workout in gym is not enough to keep my body fit. I need healthy food also. It will be fruit, yup, a lot of fruit. Biar kaya tarzan kali ye makan buah tiap hari, hohoho.

Jika kita keseringan makan daging dan ayam beserta kulitnya yang berlemak, itu dapat diimbangi dengan makan buah tiap hari loh. It will be like your counter balance. Tentunya makan buah beneran ya, bukan buah-buahan alias buah plastik, wkwkwkw.

I will eat minimum 1 type of fruits every day within last week challenge of #G30HM. I already start this habit since two days ago. I bought banana, apple and combination of fruits. Taste of sour and sweet make my tongue dancing. It feels very good once you digest it to your stomach.

Keep yourself healthy, start with eating fruit every day, cihuyyy..

Friday, December 23, 2011

Day 23 : keep my body healthy

Day 24:”If you only have 9 days to live, what will u do each day? Write it”

Ups, my day decreasing by 1, now only 8 days to live

What will I do? : For sure, I will keep my body healthy

I will go to the gym every day. That’s the things that I did since yesterday. Minimum I have to go the gym 1 time. I will spend 30-60 minutes. I will do scheduled workout. I will lift up those barbells, gallon of water *ups, ketahuan tukang angkut-angkut galon aqua yah?, hihihi

This “9 days to live” challenge very good to keep me focus on important stuff for myself, even though is not the real things, but I admit I start to getting much more fun with it.

Wish me luck with my healthy 9 days in fitness center, cihuy….

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Day 22 : Arabic language every day

Day 22:”If you only have 9 days to live, what will you do each day? Write it”

Hmm, getting serious with the challenge from @G30HM .Alright then, during 4th week challenge (22-30 Dec’11), I will list 9 things important to do that I really do it each day.

Day 1 in #H22, I will study Arabic language every day.

Every day I will spend minimum 60 minutes for it. This is not for general conversation, but this Arabic language learning should be about understanding of Al Qur’an and Hadith. I live in Saudi now, but most of the people they speak amiyah not fushah. Fushah means the Arabic that they use is based on words from Al Qur’an. Amiyah we can say is like dialect, kalau di Indonesia itu seperti bahasa jawa, bahasa sunda, bahasa minang, dsb. Dan bahasa resmi Bahasa Indonesia , bisa di ibaratkan sebagai fushah nya.

I believe when I die, Allah and his “Malaikat” will ask me a lot of question using Arabic. So I better prepareJ

Dari buku Najmuddin Abdul Rauf, dia mengatakan sudah sepantasnya seorang muslim mencintai dan berusaha menguasai bahasa Arab. Bahasa Arab adalah bahasa Al-Quran, seseorang tidak akan dapat memahami kitab dan sunnah dengan pemahaman yang benar kecuali dengan menguasai bahasa Arab.

Dalam Al Qur’an Surat Yusuf ayat 2, “Sesungguhnya Kami menurunkannya berupa Al Qur’an dengan berbahasa Arab, agar kamu memahaminya.”

Focus with Arabic language in my last 9 days of living, i will do my best..

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Day 21 : Wait the sound of seat belt alarm, and then you start to wear it

Day 21: “7 days to write about good things everyday”

The 7th awesome things: Wait the sound of seat belt alarm, and then you start to wear it

It’s not about safety for sure. But it’s about something that you can enjoy for a moment in the car. I turn on the car. Let the engine heating up for a while. Start to drive for a couple of seconds, then it comes the sound of seat belt alarm, “beep.. beep.. beep”. That’s the sign when I should start to wear my seat belt on.

It was fun, it seems that our car try communicating with its ownerJ.

Have you ever seen knight rider?, it was an old school television series. David Hasselhoff was the main character with the help of his car names KITT. You will see that car can also become your friend, your knight and your protector.

I will not suggest this awesome activity in the crowded area, I will say, just do it when you feel want to do it.

When no other cars surround me, I use to unlock my seat belt also if I drive in parking area. I will just play with the beep beep alarm. It sound silly, but this little silly stuff, can make me happyJ

Note: Today is the last day of 3rd week challenge, hopefully you enjoy my writing. If not?, up to you guys.., my job is only to write, write and write. I will let you and those editor of magazine to make a comment, wuhuuu....

Have a fabulous Wednesday allJ

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Day 20 : Your boss on vacation, but still emailing you

Day 20: “7 days to write about good things everyday”

6th awesome thing: “Your boss on vacation, but still emailing you”

I was so happy when about one week ago my boss was on vacation status. He will take days off until end of December. It means my working load will be reduced and somehow, tension at the office was released. My co worker in the office, also feel the same thing. The environment become so relaxing, you can just finish your work within your time frame, you know what I mean right? J

Suddenly email was pop ups, a lot of sentence appear. It was an email from our boss. He create waiting list within his time frame. "Deadline for December", he said.

“Oh no…”, Our boss is not on vacation status, he just remove his office to remote area. He will keep in touch with us through email.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Day 19 : Cut your hair, Light your head

Day 19: “7 days to write about good things everyday”

5th good things: Cut your hair, light your head

I was having my hair cut in a barber shop near my apartment yesterday. This morning a wake up and I feel my head become lighter. It was like 1 or 2 kg of my problem in the world was decreasing J. May be you also notice about this? It doesn’t matter what style is your hair, you feel some changes within yourself. Either it’s your feeling or it’s your physical appearance.

My hair style is bold, with 2 cm long. It was my default J. Usually every month I will go to the barber shop. By the time my hair grow longer it means my problem also increasing, then it’s time to say “cut your hair, light your head”.

Happy monday

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Day 18 : Bite your crunchy chicken with noise

Day 18: “7 days to write good things everyday”

4th good things: Bite your crunchy chicken with noise

I often do this when I’m watching movies and tv channels in my room. I just want make a noise if I eat crunchy chicken. Crunchy usually refer to fried chicken.

When the chicken was hot (fresh from the fried pan), l put the slice of chicken to enter top of my tongue, I will widely open my mouth; let the fresh air come inside and goes down to my throat. Then I will bit this chicken with “crouch crouch” noise. J

Sound of bite, noise of cracked crispy skin of the chicken (even though skin has a lot of fat, if you compare with the meat). Use bread or rice, it will help you to reduce the noise; it will be blended or damped inside your mouth. That’s what makes my day this morning.

Enjoy your Sunday AllJ

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Day 17 ; When you drive a car, keep your slipper and shoes away

Day 17: “7 days to write about good things everyday”

3rd good things: “When you drive a car, keep your slipper and shoes away”

Do you like to drive a car with your naked feet? You push gas and breaks pedal without slipper or shoes attached on it. Let’s do “hi five” for that, because we have the same awesome habit thenJ.

When I wear shoes to push gas or break in my car, my sensitivity become lost somehow. I would rather feel gas and breaks pedal with my naked feet. I can feel the sensitivity of my driving skills booster up. I can do over speed and de accelerate with much more comfortable feelings.

Before I enter the car door, I usually put my slipper and shoes just below my legs. If I arrive in some place, I cannot just go outside my car. I need to take couple of minutes to wear my shoes in my car. Sometimes I forgot to wear shoes also; I get out from the car, use slipper and enter the office or official place. But usually I will realize it soon, or someone will remind it for me and say “Dude, are you crazy?, you wear official uniform but you didn’t wear any shoes?”

Friday, December 16, 2011

Day 16 : Take photo heading the sunrise, you will get sunset

Day 16: “7 days to write about good things everyday”

2nd good things: “Take photo heading the sunrise, you will get sunset”

Friday is like Sunday. In Saudi Arabia they have different weekend, Thursday and Friday. Meanwhile in Indonesia weekend on Saturday and Sunday.

This morning at 06:30 am I want to go to the border between Bahrain and Saudi, just to get my visa stamped by the immigration.
I used to go there by using caused way street. This is the street where you can saw beach and lake on each side. I didn’t plant to stop. But I saw a lot of birds in the lake that makes me want to take a picture about it. I stop my car and drop by in one of the side way. I already bring my pocket camera. It was Panasonic Lumic. I take picture of the birds (see picture left)

Then I was heading back to the other side. I saw sun rise was beautiful to watch. It’s so relaxing. I took picture of it. I swear I never take picture heading the sunrise. This is the first time for me.

How surprising for me, the result of the 1st picture that I took was really looks like a sunset picture, it was dark and the sun color was orange to red, not yellow as it supposed to be. I was giggling to myself, maybe it was my camera setting, so I tried until 3 times and get the same result. I realized that is not camera problem and I was laughing out loud again at that time.

Today, 16 December. I decided to write this, “try it, put your camera heading the sunrise, you will get sunset”. Knowing something for the 1st time can make you laugh, no matter it was childish or you can call it stupid activity. But you know what, that little small thing in life that makes our life sweeter. 

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Day 15 : I wake up, then I saw clock still 04:00 am

Day 15 “7 days to write about good things today”

1st awesome things of today: I wake up, then I saw clock still 04:00 am

Let me tell you a story about simple stuffs that not all people realize about it. This is for my 1st good things story in 15 dec’11.

I woke up today. I keep my body on its position, just stay in my bed of courseJ , I open up my eyes, inhale with deep breath and then try to reach blackberry phone using my left hand. My blackberry position was in the left side of my pillow. I grab it, I push the middle button (track pad), then the blackberry screen start to appear. I saw time was still 04:00 am. It’s too early for wake up time in the morning for me. But, what I have in my mind at that time also was a “glad feeling”. 04:00 am means that you still have times to sleep again right? J.

I only feel glad for couple of minutes, and then I sleep again for couple of minutes also. Now, it’s 05:20 am already, this time my blackberry phone was disturbing me with his alarm, “riiinggs… riinnggs...”, that’s how blackberry speaks to me. I wake up again and realize that I wasn’t happy with the alarm. 05:20 means no matter if I still sleepy or not, I have to wake up.

Note: I used to set alarm clock at 05:20 am. (05:20 am is the right amount of time for me to do several activities in the morning. Start with taking a bath, pray, eat breakfast and then prepare my worksheet before I go to the office at 7)

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Day 14 : Niat

Day 14 “7 hari menulis kata-kata bijak”

“Niatkan kegiatanmu dengan Bismillah, lalu akhiri dengan Alhamdulillah”

Hari-hari kita selalu diisi dengan segala macam aktifitas. Seperti sekolah dan bekerja. Ada yang sekolah untuk bertemu teman-temannya dan bekerja demi mendapatkan uang saja. Tapi seringkali kita lupa berniat untuk mendapat ridho dari Allah SWT.

Hal simple yang seharusnya kita jadikan kebiasaan baik setiap hari itu adalah mengucapkan Bismillah sebelum melakukan segala macam kegiatan sehari-hari. Kegiatan sehari-hari itu kalau di breakdown terdiri dari berbagai macam aktifitas, seperti naik kendaraan umum, makan siang, mengerjakan tugas, dan lain sebagainya. Ucapan Bismillah mengingatkan kita, bahwa kegiatan yang akan kita lakukan itu adalah kegiatan yang diridhoi Ilahi. Sebagai penutup, setelah kita selesai melakukan kegiatan itu, bacalah Alhamdulillah, sebagai ungkapan terimakasih kepada Ilahi.

Dalam hadist riwayat Abu Daud dan Ibnu Shalah, Nabi Muhammad SAW berkata “Setiap urusan yang baik yang tidak diawali dengan Bismillahirohmannirrohim maka tidak akan mendapat barokah”.

In the end, mari lah kita menambah barokah atau ridho dari Allah SWT disetiap kegiatan kita sehari-hari dengan membaca Bismillah dan diakhiri dengan Alhamdulillah.

Note :

Bismillah dan Alhamdulillah adalah ayat suci, jadi gunakanlah dengan bijaksana. Terdapat di Alqur’an Surah ke 1, Al fatihah ayat (1) dan (2), berikut ini terjemahan ayat tersebut menurut Departemen Agama RI

Bismillahirohmannirrohim : “Dengan Menyebut Nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Penyayang”

Alhamdulillahirobbil ‘alamin : “Segala Puji Bagi Allah, Tuhan Semesta Alam”

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Day 13 : Wake Up

Day 13 “7 hari menulis kata-kata bijak”

“Hari ini dimulai, jauh sebelum matahari bersinar di ufuk timur”

I always want to wake up early. Tepatnya di waktu sebelum subuh datang. Jauh sebelum matahari bersinar di ufuk timur. Waktu itu bisa di rentangkan dari pukul 00:00 hingga 04:00. Tubuh dan pikiran seringkali kesulitan apalagi bangun di pagi hari. Seringkali pikiranku berkata, “apabila aku bangun pagi, nanti siang aku akan mengantuk ditempat kerja”. Begitu ucapanku berkali-kali di waktu sepertiga malam.

Tapi kali ini aku bangun pukul 02:00 pagi. Pikiranku sempat bimbang, “Bangun atau melanjutkan tidur lagi?”. Butuh waktu 30 menit untuk mengambil keputusan. Kukalahkan rasa ngantukku dengan menyalakan lampu. Aku ambil wudhu dengan niat untuk melaksanakan sholat tahajud. Aku masih ingat pesan bbm dari teman. “(1) Cahaya dalam kubur diperoleh melalui sholat tahajud. (2) Kemudahan dalam menjawab pertanyaan Malaikat Munkar dan Nakir diperoleh melalui membaca Al-Qur’an”.

Aku sadar, sudah tak terhitung banyaknya dosa yang telah kuperbuat sejak akil balig hingga sekarang. Tentunya amal ku saat ini belum seberapa.

Kita diberi waktu yang sama dalam satu hari, yaitu 24 jam. Setiap hari dimulai sejak pukul 00:00. Di pagi ini aku membayangkan ingatanku tentang Jakarta. Berpuluh-puluh tukang sayur sudah menjajakan barang dagangannya dibawah fly over kebayoran lama, Jakarta Selatan. Seingatku pada waktu itu masih pukul 02:00 pagi. Diri ini bersiap-siap menuju gambir untuk naik kereta jurusan Jakarta-Bandung yang dijadwalkan berangkat pukul 04:30 pagi. Ketika melewati fly over itu, kulihat benar-benar wajah para pedagang, ada yang sumringah dan ada yang terantuk-antuk. “Bangun jam berapa mereka?”, “Apakah mereka akan tidur lagi setelah berjualan?”, pikiranku diajak untuk bertanya-tanya. Inilah gambar wajah sesungguhnya kaum pekerja keras Indonesia. Mereka bekerja selayaknya pom bensin dan circle k yang buka 24 jam. Sudah pasti, para penjual sayur ini mempunyai bertumpuk-tumpuk agenda lain setelah matahari terbit. Tetapi mereka sudah memulai agenda hari ini dengan pagi-pagi sekali, tanpa keluhan, tanpa makian. Bekerja, berjualan dan berdagang, itu lah yang mereka lakukan.

Sementara di sisi lain. Kubayangkan kaum pekerja pintar, yaitu karyawan swasta dan negeri, pelajar dan mahasiswi yang terbangun setelah matahari terbit. Mereka masih bisa menyempatkan waktu untuk membuka account facebook dan twitter, lalu berkomentar “Macetnya Jakarta, panas nya cuaca, dan setumpuk keluhan lainnya di pagi hari”.

Aku ingin berkata kepada kaum pekerja pintar ini. “Kawan, hari ini telah dimulai, jauh sebelum matahari bersinar di ufuk timur, hentikan keluhanmu dan mulailah pagi ini dengan damai”

Note : Gambar diperoleh dari situs ( )

Monday, December 12, 2011

Day 12 : Post modern depression

Day 12 : “7 hari menulis kata-kata bijak”

“Hiduplah untuk diri sendiri, maka anda akan lebih mudah merasa sedih dan tidak berguna”

Post modern depression , penyakit yang melanda pemuda pemudi saat ini.

Istilah pemuda berdasarkan umur semestinya dimulai dari akil baligh hingga umur 25. Tapi melihat kecenderungan banyaknya kaum pekerja yang mengalami penyakit ini, saya pun mengkategorikan hingga umur 35.

Depression, bisa disebut sebagai depresi atau stress. Perasaan tidak berguna, tidak bahagia yang mengganggu kehidupan seseorang, baik itu dilingkungan kerja, masyarakat, keluarga maupun lingkungan pribadinya.

Salah satu jenis depresi saat ini adalah post modern depression , yang banyak dihinggapi oleh pemuda generasi “Y”. Generasi “Y” adalah mereka, yang saat ini punya akses lebih banyak ke internet, teknologi dan juga punya akses pergi ke tempat-tempat hiburan di kota besar maupun kota urban. Gejalanya, ketika mereka mengalami depresi, mereka sering menyalahkan lingkungan luar. Sedangkan generasi X, atau generasi sebelumnya, ketika mereka mengalami depresi, kebanyakan menyalahkan diri sendiri.

Maka pantas, ketika seseorang pemuda generasi “Y”, yang mengalami depresi di tempat kerja ataupun sekolah, pemuda itu terlihat tidak mengalami depresi, karena mereka masih bisa bersosialiasi dengan orang lain setelah pulang kerja atau pulang sekolah. Mereka akan pergi ke tempat karaoke, ke club, ataupun tempat hiburan lainnya dan mereka masih bisa tertawa-tawa.

Sedangkan generasi X, ketika mereka mengalami depresi, mereka akan cenderung menghindari pergaulan sosial, dan kebanyakan mengurung diri di kamar.

Generasi “Y” ini bersifat self centered. Mereka selalu ingin mendapat perhatian dari orang banyak. Mereka mengharapkan orang lain yang berubah, dan tidak ada keinginan untuk berusaha memperbaiki diri mereka sendiri. Setiap hal buruk yang menimpa generasi “Y”, mereka selalu menyalahkan lingkungan luar. Mulai dari atasan ataupun bawahan yang kurang becus, guru yang galak, jalanan yang macet, dan sebagainya.

Inipun bisa dilihat dengan penggunaan social media, seperti facebook, twitter dan blog. Didalamnya anda akan lihat beratus-ratus juta complain ataupun keluhan yang diutarakan generasi “Y” ini. Mereka mengeluh akan sesuatu hal kecil hingga besar tanpa ada keinginan untuk memperbaik dirinya sendiri.

Sebagai penutup, Mari hayati kata-kata bijak dari Pak Mario teguh. “Marilah kita hidup untuk membahagiakan sebanyak mungkin orang lain, agar kita dijauhkan dari kecenderungan untuk berlemah diri dalam kesedihan. Perhatikanlah, Orang yang hidup hanya untuk dirinya sendiri, lebih mudah merasa sedih dan tidak berguna.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Day 11 : Consistence

Day 11 : “7 hari menulis kata-kata bijak”

If you want to add value in your life, “consistence” is the key. There is no secret for it.

Konsistensi, itulah yang diperlukan apabila kita ingin meningkatkan kualitas hidup kita sebagai manusia. Banyak diantara kita yang sering berkata, “aku ingin menjadi pribadi yang lebih baik”, “aku ingin menjadi penulis handal”, “aku ingin menjadi manager di perusahaanku saat ini”, tapi mereka tidak konsisten dalam meningkatkan kualitas hidup mereka.

Konsisten bisa di ukur dalam rentang waktu, konsisten itu menyatakan kegiatan yang dilakukan terus menerus dalam waktu tertentu. Tentunya rentang waktu ini, mungkin berbeda dari satu peneliti ke peneliti yang lain. Tapi untuk hal ini, saya selalu bersandar kepada praktek ibadah puasa yang dilakukan sebulan penuh oleh kaum muslim sejak jaman Rasulullah, kurang lebih selama 30 hari di bulan ramadhan.

Jika ingin menambah kebiasaan baik, entah itu bangun tepat waktu, menulis hal-hal positif, sholat tepat waktu. Ataupun menghilangkan kebiasaan buruk, seperti minum alkhohol, bangun kesiangan, dan lain sebagainya. Cobalah lakukan selama 30 hari secara konsisten. Rasakan lah perbedaaannya.

Jika setelah 30 hari itu anda belum merasakaan perbedaannya, berarti, anda belum benar-benar melakukannya dengan konsisten. Sebagaimana kita ketahui, tujuan dari ibadah puasa, adalah membentuk kepribadian yang islami di 11 bulan berikutnya, dan barang siapa yang menjalankan ibadah puasa itu dengan sebaik-baiknya, tentunya kita bisa melihat kepribadian islami yang tercermin dalam perilaku seseorang.

Mari, tambahkan kegiatan apapun yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas anda sebagai manusia, dan lakukanlah secara konsisten.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Day 10 : Lapar

Day 10 : "7 hari menulis kata-kata bijak"

Refleksi hari ini disadur dari hadist riwayat Al Ghozali yang di uraikan dengan bijak oleh KH. Zainuddin MZ

“Ilmu membuat hidup kita menjadi mudah, seni membuat hidup kita menjadi indah dan agama membuat hidup kita menjadi terarah”

Ceramah KH Zainuddin MZ terdengar dengan nikmatnya di waktu senja menuju magrib di pukul 17:30 diseluruh siaran televisi Indonesia didalam acara TV swasta yang berjudul “menunggu buka”. Kalimat yang dibuka dengan kata “ilmu…” oleh KH Zainuddin MZ seakan-akan mengisi berjuta-juta rasa lapar rohani yang mendera para umat muslim yang sedang puasa di hari pertama di bulan ramadhan 1427 hijriah, tahun romawi 2006.

Suara lapar hilang seketika begitu mendengar untain kata itu. Kyai Zainuddin MZ tidak perlu bersusah payah menampilkan ekspresi fisik yang berlebihan dengan raut muka dramatis dalam penyampaian ceramahnya. Hanya satu kata yang “sederhana” dalam penampilannya. Tetapi isi dari ceramahnya itu lah yang berbobot, berisi, dan mudah dicerna, sehingga mampu ditelan dengan lancar ke dalam rasa lapar rohani

Sang lapar itu senang mengejar manusia dikala sedang dititik minimum hidup mereka.

Ia bukan saja diperut yang melilit, dikerongkongan yang serak tidak bergurah dan semua perasaan lapar jasmani lainnya yang bisa diuraikan dalam kata.

Tetapi ia juga mendera rohani. Kosong nya hati, tidak tahu nya tujuan hidup, bahkan banyak manusia yang berjalan dimuka bumi itu sebenarnya mati. Hanya mencari label bermerek Gucci, LV untuk aksesoris jasmani agar terlihat menarik di muka bumi.

Lapar untuk sementara tidak terlihat lagi bagi manusia yang rohani nya mati.

Entah untuk berapa lama

Friday, December 09, 2011

Day 9 : Pay It Forward

Day 9 “7 hari menulis kata-kata bijak”

Pay it forward movement. Do good things, not only for you, but also for other people

I like the concept of Pay it forward movement. I got it from the movie which has the same title. The story is about a kid who has ideal concept of doing good things to other. If he can help 1 person, this person should do good things to 3 other person that he/she really care. At first, what the kid did was helping her mother from alcohol addicts, he was not able to do it soon, but later on he can help her mother. Second, he help homeless person, by providing him food and place to stay. Third, he helps his teacher to find a woman, what a nice kidJ

By the time was ticking bye, this movement was spread out around his place. The kid has nothing expected to be return. He just wants to do good things for people.

Thursday, December 08, 2011

Day 8 : Make priority

Day 8 “7 hari menulis kata-kata bijak”

You can’t make everyone happy, but you can choose to make yourself and people that you care to be happy

I really wish for all people who try so hard to make everyone happy understand that they should make priority which one come first.

Untuk para karyawan, seringkali anda ingin membuat bos di perusahaan anda suka pada anda. Apabila itu dilakukan dengan cara yang wajar, tentu tidak apa-apa. Tapi apabila dengan cara yang tidak tepat dan sangat terpaksa, tentulah kata happy itu tidaklah berguna. Seperti Budaya ABS (Asal Bos Senang). Ketika bos melakukan pekerjaan yang buruk, bahkan melakukan kesalahan, anda malah membiarkannya. Tetapi ketika rekan sekerja dan bawahan anda melakukan kesalahan malah anda memarahinya habis-habisan dan berbuat semena-mena.

Untuk para pelajar dan mahasiswa. I understand, lingkungan mempengaruhi sekitar 75% dari gaya hidup anda. Seringkali anda bertemu dengan teman-teman baru, dan seringkali anda mengikuti gaya hidup mereka agar diterima dalam pergaulan sesamamu. Apabila teman-teman pergaulanmu melakukan hal yang baik, tentu tidak masalah. Tetapi yang menjadi masalah apabila teman-temanmu melakukan kegiatan yang tidak sesuai dengan norma dan anda malah mencontohnya, seperti bolos sekolah bersama-sama, clubbing bersama-sama, menggunakan narkotika bersama, berbaju ketat dan seksi bersama karena teman-teman sebaya juga memakainya. Padahal anda berasal dari keluarga yang baik-baik dan sederhana. Dan tentunya, I understand, orang tua anda pun pasti tidak suka dengan gaya hidup yang anda jalani. Belum tau mana yang baik dan buruk?, start with what you feel when you did something?, did you feel bad? Or you feel good. Don’t lie to yourself, you are not robot, and you’re not zombie right? J

Untuk para pengusaha, seringkali anda melakukan entertainment kepada calon pembeli, pemerintah maupun rekan pengusaha untuk memudahkan proses jual beli anda. Anda ingin membuat mereka happy, agar anda memperoleh keuntungan tertentu. Padahal anda sebenarnya tau, kalau cara-cara itu tidak benar dan ada kemungkinan kalau anda tidak melakukannya anda akan merugi. But, have you ever try doing business in the right way?

I understand, not all of us, doing something as I mention in paragraph above. But for those who still did that, Mari, saat ini, mulailah belajar dengan membahagiakan diri sendiri dan juga orang-orang yang kita sayangi.

How to make yourself happy?, I usually get this kind of question. I will start with understand yourself. If you still don’t understand, keep asking yourself every day until you find minimum one. For me, i always want to say good words every day. I often say bad words also, but after I said it, I feel guilty about it, I regret it and I wish I didn’t say it again. The other thing is about passion, but I will not discuss further more about this one, because I have more than just 1 passion. I like writing, I like drawing, I like to inspire others with my words, etc. What is your passion?

Pesan saya untuk hal ini : Bahagiakan diri sendiri dengan melakukan hal-hal yang jujur. Believe me. It will make you feel better after doing good things for yourself.

Bahagia itu belum lengkap rasanya apabila kita tidak membahagiakan orang yang kita sayangi. Mulailah dari orang tua kita. Bahagiakan ibu dan bapak kita, patuhi perintahnya, bicaralah dengan nada yang rendah, hormati mereka, seringlah berkomunikasi dengan mereka, mulai dari telepon dan sms. Jika ada hal yang tidak sesuai dengan kehendak kita, diskusikanlah baik-baik dengan sabar dan pelan-pelan dalam menjelaskannya. Berilah ucapan selamat ulang tahun langsung kepada mereka, bukan dengan hanya mengucapkannya di social media. I understand some of you only want to get attention from people in social media, but you know what?, is not the priority. The priority is to make your mom and dad happy.

Next, bahagiakan orang-orang yang selalu berada di sekeliling kita. Mulai dari keluarga dekat seperti ; istri, suami, adik, kakak, kakek, nenek sampai keponakan. Menurutmu, siapa yang akan mengurusi pemakamanmu ketika kamu sudah kakek and nenek lalu meninggal dunia. Apakah cucunya teman SD mu?, apakah pamannya teman kuliahmu yang di arab?, tentu tidak bukan?, most of us didn’t notice this when we are young, and only realize it when we are getting older. Saran saya, start from now, at least you say hello to them.

Setelah keluarga adalah teman-teman terdekat kita. For me, friend is our supporter. Someone who will always support you, if you do good things. Meanwhile, if you did bad things, they will stay and not go anywhere. Support teman-temanmu ketika mereka akan melakukan hal-hal baik. Beri komentar secara positif apabila kamu mempunyai sudut pandang yang berbeda dengan mereka. Apabila ada undangan dari temanmu, baik itu undangan nikah, kegiatan amal, kegiatan sosial, lalu kamu tidak bisa datang, tetaplah support kegiatan mereka, bukannya malah berkata “Sorry saya gak bisa datang or berkata sorry gak bisa ikutan acaranya”. Do you know what the feel of rejection?, try it, undang temen yang kamu anggap teman terdekatmu, lalu lihat komentar balik mereka. Saran saya, if you want to make your friend happy, make sure you prioritize them by categorize which is your supporter and which who didn’t support you. I know you have a lot of friendJ, but not all your friend supports you.

In the end, I will say, make everyone happy is really good things to do, but by making priority on which person who should deserve it first, will make you focus in your life. You will not easily distract with small stuff and this will make your life meaningful.

Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Day 7 : Social media versus books

Percakapan terjadi antara ke empat social media paling populer saat ini :

Youtube, “Listen guys, about 48 hours of video uploaded per minute by people to me, hohoho”

Twitter : “Oh yeah, do you know that 200 million tweets posted every day by people around the world?”

Facebook : “Damn, both of you was awesome, I only have 90 pieces of content per month”

Wordpress : “Hmm, I don’t know about what people post to their blog, there were so many competition like blogger and tumblr, is that count also?”

And then suddenly, Books were coming. They interrupt the conversation by asking question:

“Do you know how many movie, words and content in social media that were uploaded by people were edited before it was published?", "For us, before we publish our writing, editor team will filter our content, which one is good or which one is bad".

Youtube, twitter, facebook, wordpress just stare each other, and then they say together

“Hmm that’s what we didn’t do, let’s start counting how many bad words , f*** words , sex movie, porn content , maybe it was more than 75%”

Note : let’s start to edit what we’re going to do in social media

Day 6 : Keep moving on

Conversation between earth and sun.

Sun : "Hi earth, have you ever complain about what people did with your water, land and air?".

Earth : "No, I was busy to keep on rotation and maintain gravity".